Content Submission

Would you like to share your discoveries, research results, or spark a discussion with like-minded peers? We’re here to assist you in getting your message out to Media and Learning’s network (our newsletter 📰 goes out to over 10,000 addresses each month!). Simply submit your content, such as newsletter articles or news items, using the form below. To ensure your submission is reader-friendly and resonates with our audience, please follow these straightforward guidelines:

  1. Adopt a first-person perspective in your articles.
  2. Write in a magazine-style, non-academic format.
  3. Aim for a length of 500-800 words.
  4. Feel free to include images for illustrative purposes; if possible, submit them in a separate file. Please ensure that all rights on text and images in your contribution are cleared for publication in the Media and Learning Newsletter. Please add the necessary credits or references where required.
  5. If you include a reference list, please submit it in PDF format.
  6. For the byline, we typically feature the author’s profile picture and institutional reference.  It would be great if you could send us yours.

Send us your articles and announcements, and let’s build knowledge together as a community!

Content Submission for Media and Learning

Personal Data


Max. file size: 8 MB.
The content should be written in first-person, magazine-style, and within 500-800 words.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 8 MB.
    Featured image, illustrations for the article
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 8 MB.
    We usually include the author’s profile picture and institutional reference. It would be great if you could send us yours.
    How you want us to introduce you: Your name, title, and institution.
    In which categories does your content belong to?(Required)
    You want to submit this content as(Required)